Introductory Personal Training and Trial Month (Group Classes)

Introductory Personal Training and Trial Month (Group Classes)


Once purchased, we will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange a time and day for your introductory personal training session.

  • 1-hour personal training strength coaching session with SFG II

  • 4 weeks of unlimited kettlebell classes

What can you expect during the session? We’ll begin by assessing your current movement level, managing any injuries, and what you’re capable of doing now. Typically, depending on experience, we aim to get through a range of Original Strength resets that work best for you followed by the goblet squat and kettlebell swing. If time permits, we can then look at anything from the turkish get up to the military press depending on your preference.

An introductory PT session is great for anyone who wants to hit the ground running with our group kettlebell classes for their trial month and get the most out of their QKB experience. It’s also a fantastic place to start for someone who hasn’t done a lot of training previously and for those who have a few years of strength training under their belt to really hone in on technique.

If you’re looking for personal training in East Brisbane, this is it. Jump on board today to start building a stronger you for the long-haul.

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Beginner Workshop and Trial Month

Beginner Workshop and Trial Month
