Is 30 Minutes of Kettlebells Enough?

We often have people ask us why we use a 30ish minute class time. Isn’t it too short? Can you really get strong in 30 minutes? People have all sorts of doubts, and that’s understandable. I did too! Honestly, though, the reason that we shifted to 30 minute classes was that we accidentally experimented and it worked!


We used to use a 45-60 minute model. I felt like I needed to do it in order to ensure that my clients got adequate value. It wasn’t until I put people onto a program that only ran for 20 minutes, six days a week, that I discovered that the results were actually way better for the majority of our clients. 

People found it easier to attend 30 minutes more regularly, and we were managing to fit practically everything that we had used to fit into the 45 minutes anyway, we were just way more efficient. Having Original Strength to get people feeling ready and strong super quickly definitely helped as well, but ultimately, we just programmed smarter and dramatically improved our clients’ outcomes because we made it easier for them to make it a daily priority (who can’t find 30 minutes of time on their way to or from work?).

An additional benefit to this is that people can develop a habit of moving every day. Dan Gable has been famously quoted as having said, “if it’s important, do it every day” and moving every day is incredibly important for people who want to be healthy and strong for as long as possible. By having safe, sustainable training that makes people stronger, without making them useless for a day, people are able to achieve regular movement in a fun environment. In the wonderful words of our member Barry, “Life doesn’t always program a rest day, but our programming lets people deal with reasonable challenges every day of the week”.

Is 30 minutes too short for a workout?

You can push, pull, hinge, squat and carry and make your body strong and resilient in 30 minutes easily. My clientele is proof. It’s more efficient and extremely effective. If you don’t believe me, come and try a trial month. If you rock up more than three times a week and don’t notice that you feel better and stronger then I’ll happily refund your money.

Beginner Kettlebell Workshop
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